Launching the Scarfone Cybersecurity blog!
I've been writing nonstop since the year 2000, but I've never blogged...until now! I'm thrilled to announce the launch of my blog. Most of my posts will be giving you info about cybersecurity publications, projects, and events. I'll also be posting some advice and tips & tricks for improving your technical writing.
My goal for the blog is to save you time, whether that means giving you a super-short summary of a new NIST publication's recommendations, or walking you through the most important steps to take when writing your own blog post/article/white paper/etc. I want to be a force multiplier for all of you!
Originally I was going to blog from my own website, but then I stumbled across a new (to me) writing portfolio site that also supports blogging AND offers a weekly email digest of additions to the portfolio (including the blog)! So I've relocated my blog. I'll also announce each blog post through my LinkedIn account.
If there's anything you'd like me to blog about, contact me at -- I'd love to hear from you!
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